Mega Man Battle Network Overclocked
A downloadable game for Windows
Mega Man Battle Network Overclocked is a partial recreation of the first MMBN game. It contains the first two levels of the original game remade in 3D.
New features include:
- 3D graphics
- Sub-chips
- Regular chips
- The “ADD” ability works like it does in MMBN 2 & 3
- NPCs have animations for different emotions
Features carried over from Operation Shooting Star (The Nintendo DS port) include:
- The ability to run from battles
- Player health doesn't refill after battles
This is a fan project. MegaMan is owned by Capcom.
12/04/21 - Today I've added the second level. This will be the final content update, but the game might still receive some patches. Thank you all for playing.
MMBNO 2.00 Release.zip 379 MB
Development log
- A small updateDec 06, 2020
- More ImprovementsDec 04, 2020
- Some bug fixesDec 02, 2020
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There might be some animation improvements to be made, but aside from that, it's a great start and an eye-opener for Capcom if they really wanna remake the MMBN series in 3D and put Andrew Francis voice into action among other actors.
The Mystery Data could use some gleam/shine, and they could use what I like to call the "retro TV blip" animation with a small beam upon getting the data from it (or when MegaMan's "data get" window appears.
Another thing is uh.... the school boy's mouth looks like he could shove a whole backpack into it. Maybe make him look a bit more human? I know you're trying to stick to the original art, but some mouth and facial shapes are a bit... wonky or unnerving. Taking inspiration from the school girl face and making it a bit more boy-like (similar to Lan's face) might do the trick. (Maybe something similar to how Sonic's mouth moves to the side for some characters like that school boy could work too... and maybe in instances where the mouth looks like it's mirroring and forming a triangle at the middle of the lip.
In addition, the mouths on Dex, Lan and MegaMan, especially Lan and MegaMan with the disappointed/sad expression is... weird.... like it's mirroring and looks like triangles instead of actual mouths, especially when talking. It might be a bit difficult to fix with the model, but having a few more bones and subdividing the mesh around the lips might work wonders for that.
The Navi Chip effects could use a bit of a camera/animation revamp for a bit of a smooth transition instead of clipping from one position to another in addition to Roll's head ribbons being capable of whipping about like she's turbo-slapping the opponent could work. In addition, having "head target" points for the Navi Chip's corresponding NetNavi to look at and approach might allow a more dynamic feel to the Navi's focus on.
This "head focus" can also be used for Lan or MegaMan to look at nearby NPCs when in a close enough range while passing by with some neck/head constraints to avoid some nightmare fuel that the "owl neck" head-turns can turn into. Constraining the neck-turning bones to only allowing 90 degrees to the left or right on the Z-axis and allowing the eyes to lock on and shift to the limits of the sclera might allow for dynamic head/eye tracking. It's a difficult and subtle touch, but one that many might appreciate. (Twilight Princess and BotW made me think of the head/eye tracking idea.)
All in all, a great remake.
10/10 for the mechanics
6/10 for the character model
8/10 for character animation
8/10 for the environment model/animation
7/10 for battle animation
Summary: Some animation and modeling quirks here and there in need of sprucing up or revamping, but great remake all-in-all. Capcom could use you on their team for sure if they can get their heads out of their butts and make some epic remakes with your help.
Rough as hell, but in general looks great, and I love you for it, it's not like Capcom is going to do shit with this IP anyway!
Maybe something will come if the new Mega Man Battle Network Collection sells well.
I can't get any battle cards from viruses. Please help
I tested it on Linux with Proton Experimental(probably it is between 6.3 and 7.0) on Steam, and it works out of the box! Just needed to make sure that the path is specified correctly. I’m overjoyed to play it fullscreen with nice graphics and music. Thank you very much!
acutally seems to be to good work on that time it's given root tsou to review but i know we need something import of that playing before good game.
I have a few suggestions you might be interested in for MegaMan Battle Network Overclocked. I was thinking maybe an online multiplayer fighting tournament between other players and what they decide to do with their MegaMan.EXE NetNavi and Upgrade and stuff and Battle other players or just- battling in general, you know? I was also thinking you could add the 2nd and 3rd game as Unlockables after the 1st game, then the 2nd game and then the 3rd game. Like- Playing the first game and then unlocking the second game and playing that and unlocking the 3rd game if that makes any sense. :3 ...Think about it if you want, but let me know if you allow it, k? K Thx, Cya'
EDIT: Playing the Game Now I Realized it's not a Full Remake of the First Battle Network Game! . . . Now I feel stupid. ;-;
Wow, just know about this from gematsu. I also made MBN fangame but eagerly want to play this one.
This game is really fun! Also, I felt very nostalgic :)
Thank you very much for developing it! I already want to play it even if it is a demo.
Looks awesome, Lan's overworld proportions look more like he's 15 years old but the music, SFX, UI, typography and backgrounds are all great and I especially liked the small touches like remaking the jack-in animation and writing out World-3 as opposed to WWW amongst others.
Looking at some of Gutsman's and Megaman's animations I would suggest looking at the 12 Principles of Animation, however, I think they would go a very long way towards further polishing the total package.
Very fun game but there is a bug which I don't encounter any virus on any map
Just a small note : I don't think its the best idea to use the Models for the Character Portraits they don't stand up every well when viewed so closely. I would suggest High-Res Art that work Better or commissioning High-Res models. Other than that this game is Stellar
Did a full video all the way to Fireman, sorry if its a little long, I loved all of it! I didn't play the original one, but I really liked this one.
Very cool, this brought back so many memories 😅
Looking forward to more!
The game looks great but I can't play it because I don't have a PC. I hope there is a version available for phones. Looking forward to playing it.
Made a video on it! I'm a huge fan of Megaman and as soon as I saw this on a Facebook community page I'm in! I just HAD to make a video about it!!
I haven't played a Megaman Battle Network game and this was a nice way of introducing me to the game series! I noticed that the enemy ambushes increase when I want to sprint in the network, making the gameplay more challenging! You'll hear me rage sometimes for that specific reason so just a heads up lol! The battle chips can be changed to blue just like in the anime but that's just my two cents.
Overall, great job on the modeling and development! Keep it up and if there's any updates I'll gladly take a look at them.
I want you to know that I haven't this excited for a fan made project in a long time. You're off to a fantastic start with this, and I was very impressed with the demo.
Only big things I noticed were slight things during battle:
There was no window to escape the canodumb's attack once their sights reached you- it was automatic.
The buster's shots don't fire quicker when you're closer to an enemy as they should.
Also, the swords are a bit too quick.
Otherwise, this is so great. Keep up the hard work!
And an additional random two notes!
Did you make the low health beeping synch with the boss battle theme so it's EXACTLY on beat? Because if you didn't, you should. It made something annoying into a BOP.
I could have sworn every random, generic jack-in area had one blue Mystery Data in a corner. But I couldn't find any. Is that just a demo thing?
Also, I have to give shoutouts to those amazing 3D battle transitions and intros. The way they go from overworld to the battlefield and back is so cool. The boss intros are almost perfect except that pesky camera clip that can be seen for a couple seconds; those are hard to fix and not your fault. I want to see more of this stuff!
Great work on the remake! All I can really complain about are knit picks:
-This first one MAY be a glitch, but it seems so freeing that it may be a feature. Usually you can EITHER pick chips with the same exact name OR with the same letter. It seems that in scenarios where you have a * code chip, you can choose chips with the same name AND said * code chip. For me, I noticed it with Cannon A, Cannon C, and Shotgun *. Worth a look.
-I see from the screenshots on this page that you have a Shotgun * set as a Regular Chip, but I can't quite seem to find out how to set one in-game. Usually it'd just be pressing Select on the GBA, but here I have no clue.
-There seems to be a number of L and R button functionality missing. Usually you can use them to page through the chip folders, but here they don't do anything. Also missing is the ability to press R in battle when hovering over a chip to see it's description.
-There generally seems to be a few frames of delay on everything than I remember, whether that be on virus deletion, Megabuster startup, the reward screen, the sword attacks, and such.
-I feel like some of my button inputs get eaten up sometimes by the dialogue system and menu prompts. I'm not sure if it's because I'm pressing a few frames too soon or too late? Sometimes I end up skipping text because I pressed a button too soon rather than have it instantly complete as expected. Other times I press a button to no response. It mostly seems to be in menuing in general.
-WOW those walk and run animations are awkward. They may have looked about the same in the original, but boy does it really show in 3D. Megaman's run animation is the best, but his pose/balance when running is still oddly stiff. Do his boots squeak? I feel like they are. The awkwardness of all the animation stems from how stiff everything above the knees are; there's no weight in their stride.
-The text in the rewards screen looks rather squished and tall. The font's otherwise fine with some weird exceptions like the "9" that looks like a "g" and it's counterpart "6"; the random corner really messes with the usually rounded aesthetic.
-Have the cannon enemies' targeting retical always done damage on contact? I could have sworn it needed to lock onto you first, delay, and *then* fire. This leads to weird scenarios where you take damage from a cannon that has already been deleted, but it's retical is still going down the field.
-I could have sworn Guard reflected the damage blocked as a shockwave rather than just be a brief invincibility window. I know that made the chip SUPER busted, but it was always a fun one to use. Here nothing happens on impact.
-This is bad with Gutsman in particular, but there's this weird delay between when he hammers the ground and when the damage shockwave comes out. That shockwave comes out waaaaaay too late and it looks so janky because of it. The same applies to the Mattaurs, but not as badly.
-The Spooky virus' tongue seems to damage you even before they even reappear to attack you, which is rather jarring.
-The Mettaurs also could use a more contrasting drop shadow; right now they seem to be floating over the ground rather than just be ON it.
Don't let this ALL this text discourage you, though! The reason I was able to even notice all these little things was because I was otherwise so wrapped up in the headspace of what felt like playing the official games! These small knitpicks were just the little reminders that reminded me what I was playing. :P
Keep up the great work! 5/5 from me.
Pretty good remake. Loved how bosses have intros and that Battle Chip Challenge music played for GutsMan. Random encounters were broken when I played, though. Not a single one would appear in any area.
how to download
Nick, i know someone thats working on a chip gate for pc. Contact me plz
this demo is soooo well done my man!!! can't wait to see how far you take it. if you need any help i work for a indie gaming studio and can lend you a hand. this is one f my favorites.
very fun demo! I LOOOVED the cool- clean cut 3d environment with jazzed up music!! definitely the best version of mmbn fan game in terms of visuals! too bad there seems to be no wild navi yet- spent some time looking for it and came out none... also that shopkeeper is selling faulty seankruns! XD
Thanks! I had a talk with the shop keeper. Sneak runs should work now, though you'll need to re-download.